Abraham Lincoln Funeral Train Re-Enactment
From 10:00 am to 9:00 pmJoin us for the First Re-Enactment at the 154th Year Anniversary Honoring One of America’s Greatest Presidents and Heroes. 2 Opportunities to Experience this Historical Event 1-Day General Admission or 2-Day VIP Experience Click here to purchase tickets. Both days will include seeing and experiencing: The only Full-Scale Replica of the Original Lincoln Funeral Car, Fully Furnished as it was on April 22, 1865 including a Replica of Lincoln’s Coffin Original Railbed (Built 1832) Original Hand-Cut & Laid Stone Wall Original Funeral Train Route, April 22, 1865, 12:05pm–12:30pm (Re-Enactment Monday Only) Full-Scale Replica of an Original 4-4-0 Steam Locomotive Period-Correct Band and Music Period-Correct 1850 Passenger Car to Carry the Troops Restored and Rebuilt Herr’s Mill Covered Bridge with Troops Crossing the Conoy Creek Re-enactors in Period-Correct Dress Sutler’s Village Photo and History Displays Living Historic Lectures by Abraham Lincoln Presenter Fritz Klein and others Lincoln Funeral Train Art located in the Museum at The Star Barn Limited Tickets available for scheduled walk-thru of Lincoln Funeral Car & 1850 Passenger Car Tour the 1877 Star Barn Village Tour the 1860’s Ironstone Ranch Tractor Pulled Wagon Rides Food and gift items available to purchase
1 Hollinger Ln, Elizabethtown, PA 17022, USA
Join us for the First Re-Enactment at the 154th Year Anniversary Honoring One of America’s Greatest Presidents and Heroes.
2 Opportunities to Experience this Historical Event
1-Day General Admission or 2-Day VIP Experience
Click here to purchase tickets.
Both days will include seeing and experiencing:
- The only Full-Scale Replica of the Original Lincoln Funeral Car, Fully Furnished as it was on April 22, 1865 including a Replica of Lincoln’s Coffin
- Original Railbed (Built 1832)
- Original Hand-Cut & Laid Stone Wall
- Original Funeral Train Route, April 22, 1865, 12:05pm–12:30pm (Re-Enactment Monday Only)
- Full-Scale Replica of an Original 4-4-0 Steam Locomotive
- Period-Correct Band and Music
- Period-Correct 1850 Passenger Car to Carry the Troops
- Restored and Rebuilt Herr’s Mill Covered Bridge with Troops Crossing the Conoy Creek
- Re-enactors in Period-Correct Dress
- Sutler’s Village
- Photo and History Displays
- Living Historic Lectures by Abraham Lincoln Presenter Fritz Klein and others
- Lincoln Funeral Train Art located in the Museum at The Star Barn
- Limited Tickets available for scheduled walk-thru of Lincoln Funeral Car & 1850 Passenger Car
- Tour the 1877 Star Barn Village
- Tour the 1860’s Ironstone Ranch
- Tractor Pulled Wagon Rides
- Food and gift items available to purchase