Fairfax Civil War Day
From 10:00 am to 5:00 pm- 703.591.0560
Activities inlcude: Historic Blenheim House (First Floor) Tours, Grandma’s Cottage Open for Self-Guided Tours, Civil War Interpretive Center Gallery Open, Exhibits: “Civil War Journey,” “Maps and Sketches of Private Robert Sneden,” and Historic Blenheim House Attic Replica, Presentations/Talks: Civil War Interpretive Center Multi-Purpose Room, Civil War Authors Tent, Wagon Rides, Cricket Games $5 for ages 12 and older; $3 3-12; free under 3. Free parking at Fairfax High School and free shuttle to site.
3610 Old Lee Hwy, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA
Activities inlcude: Historic Blenheim House (First Floor) Tours, Grandma’s Cottage Open for Self-Guided Tours, Civil War Interpretive Center Gallery Open, Exhibits: “Civil War Journey,” “Maps and Sketches of Private Robert Sneden,” and Historic Blenheim House Attic Replica, Presentations/Talks: Civil War Interpretive Center Multi-Purpose Room, Civil War Authors Tent, Wagon Rides, Cricket Games
$5 for ages 12 and older; $3 3-12; free under 3. Free parking at Fairfax High School and free shuttle to site.